
  1. April 2024 newsletter

    Report from the Committee to the CoDiR Forum, April 2024

  2. Founding members announced.

    The founding members for the Committee on Data in Research have been announced following a national call for expressions of interest supported by Te Apārangi the Royal Society of New Zealand.

  3. Aotearoa NZ Data Landscape Review

    We propose to undertake a landscape review of data in research. The review will - Summarise the research data landscape in Aotearoa; identifying the key actors, institutions and initiatives in both the public and private sectors; Identify challenges and opportunities for the current research data ecosystem; Consider issues relating to Māori data sovereignty.

  4. Response to Te Ara Paerangi.

    This submission is from a small group of colleagues from diverse backgrounds and roles in research who have convened around a common theme of data in research. The submitters are part of a formative group looking to establish a cross-sector committee on data in research at the request of the Royal Society Te Apārangi.